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Life Insurance

What is life insurance?

Life Insurance is a contract with an insurance company that promises to make a payment at a certain period of time, to you and/or to your beneficiaries in the event of your death or after a certain event.  There are several types of life insurance policies so there is a policy that can cover your specific needs. The basic types of life insurance are: Term insurance, Whole life insurance, Universal life insurance.  Life Insurance can range in amounts that will meet your needs.


Term Insurance:  Term Insurance is insurance for a specific "term" or period of time. The typical term insurance policy has a term of 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 30 years or 40 years. Term is generally less expensive because it only offers protection for a specific amount of time.


Whole life insurance: Whole life insurance is insurance that is available for your entire life as long as premiums are paid OR  the payment terms have been met. Most whole life insurance policies offer a fixed level premium with a fixed face amount.


Universal life insurance: Universal life insurance is a flexible permanent life insurance that offers lower costs, like term insurance with flexible payments and a savings element that is invested to provide cash buildup. 


There are several other types of life insurance such as juvenile life (for children), senior life and guaranteed life (for those that don't qualify for whole life insurance) so we are able to provide you with the specific coverage that you need!!



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